Sunday, October 13, 2019

Grade Retention Essay example -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grade retention, better known as â€Å"staying back†, â€Å"being held back† or â€Å"repeating†, has been the topic of much debate within the educational system. The controversy which surrounds this long-standing issue has been reinforced by such topics as the recent endorsement of academic standards. Research indicates that â€Å"the rate of retention has increased by approximately 40% in the last 20 years with as many as 15% of all American students held back each year and 30-50% held back at least once before ninth grade† (Dawson, 1998). These discouraging statistics pose copious problems within a school system. The difficulties can be appreciated at the organizational level, as well as inside the classroom and, most troubling, within the individual students. The consequences, both positive and negative, reverberate throughout the school system. Grades retention is an issue which requires a prodigious amount of examination and shou ld be considered carefully and thoroughly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Formally, grade retention is defined as the practice of requiring a student who has been in a given grade level for a full school year to return at that level for a subsequent year (Jackson, 1975). Unofficially, the practice is employed as a tool to enhance the academic or developmental growth for students who are unable to meet the curriculum requirements due to a variety of reasons. These reasons can include decreased cognitive functioning, physical immaturity, social-emotional difficulties and failure to pass standardized assessments. A child may be considered for retention if he has poor academic skills, is small in stature, is the youngest in the class, has moved frequently, has been absent repeatedly, does poorly on prescreening assessments or has limited English-language skills (Robertson, 1997). Additionally, the typical profile of a retained child is more likely to reveal an elementary school-aged student who is a black or Hispanic male with a late birthd ay, developmental delay, attentional problems, low socioeconomic status, single-parent household with a parent who either does not or cannot intervene on behalf of the child (Robertson, 1997; Mattison, 2000). Also seen in retained children are the predictive health factors of hearing and speech impairments, low birth weight, enuresis and exposure to cigarette smoke within the home (Byrd... ...ommended, what should parents do? ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. Champaign, IL. Parker, Dennis R. (2001). Social promotion or retention? Leadership, 30 (4),12-16. Jackson, G. (1975). The research evidence on the effects of grade retention. Review of Educational Research, 45, 613-635. Holmes, C. T. (1989). Synthesis of recent research on nonpromotion: A five-year follow-up. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American education research Association, San Francisco, CA. Natale, J. A. (1991). Rethinking grade retention. Educational Digest, 56 (9), 30-34. Slavin, Robert E., Karweit, N., & Wasik, B. Preventing early school failure: What works? Educational Leadership, 50 (4). Darling-Hammond, Linda. (1998). Avoiding both grade retention and social promotion. The School Administrator, 48-53. Byrd, Robert S., & Weitzman, Michael L. (1994). Predictors of early grade retention among children in the United States. Pediatrics, 93 (3), 481-488. Mattison, Richard E. (2000). School Consultation: A review of research on issues unique to the school environment. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolscent Psychiatry,

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